This is on point! I know for myself, I’m a very creative creature. I don’t say that to ‘toot my own horn’ or belittle other creators…I say that because it’s part of me, like an appendage. It even follows me into the dream world where I become lucid. Getting it all on paper as you mentioned is a great psychological weapon for creatives. Especially when we’re feeling low. Doesn’t have to be a story…it could just be a cornucopia of thoughts. For me if I don’t write when I’m in that state…my dreams force me to because I dream up a story. Typically, expressions of my feelings. This is an insightful article Aaron! Keep writing and keep enlightening.
This is so true Aaron! One of my favorite non-fiction books: The Artist Way suggests all artists (of any kind) take up Morning Pages. Which are essentially 750 words a day (works out to be about 3 pages in most cases via pen and paper) written first thing in the morning, stream of consciousness, as a way to get out of the mental gunk before the real creative work starts.
This is on point! I know for myself, I’m a very creative creature. I don’t say that to ‘toot my own horn’ or belittle other creators…I say that because it’s part of me, like an appendage. It even follows me into the dream world where I become lucid. Getting it all on paper as you mentioned is a great psychological weapon for creatives. Especially when we’re feeling low. Doesn’t have to be a story…it could just be a cornucopia of thoughts. For me if I don’t write when I’m in that state…my dreams force me to because I dream up a story. Typically, expressions of my feelings. This is an insightful article Aaron! Keep writing and keep enlightening.
This is so true Aaron! One of my favorite non-fiction books: The Artist Way suggests all artists (of any kind) take up Morning Pages. Which are essentially 750 words a day (works out to be about 3 pages in most cases via pen and paper) written first thing in the morning, stream of consciousness, as a way to get out of the mental gunk before the real creative work starts.
That's exactly right, it's good for everybody.