The following story is based off of the prompt: That summer seemed to last forever here…
That summer seemed to last forever here, in the city of Roridan. It was unbearably hot for most of the day, given the two suns which shone together for a handful of hours every day. Still, when they finally set, there was peace. Well, some sort of peace anyway. It wasn't so much that people were any better to each other, it was just...quieter. That's where Billy began his best efforts at making time to work on his car. He knew that in this climate, it was all he had to get himself across the terrain and through to the next town. There was so much working against him, with the constant bandits and chaotic animals who thrived in the double sun. But at night, at least it was quiet. He liked the quiet and found it less bothersome. It helped him focus on what he needed to work on next.
Shots rang out high in the air, and Billy thought they could have come from the hilltops. He flinched only slightly, imperceivable to anyone who would have seen him. He knew it could only mean one thing, however. Someone else was dead. This was the law of the land now, if you needed something and the suns went down it was fair game to hunt for it, no matter who you might need to take it from.
Billy had seen so many monsters born in those days, people you would have never expected to go quite so far. Because it was the law, it became permissible, and everyone jumped at the chance to get ahead. Living in Roridan was difficult, but there wasn’t any chance to leave. Once you signed over everything to the city, they owned your very being. When the storehouses ran out and the war ended, there wasn’t enough left. The government stopped caring at that point, and for the most part you never really hear from them.
It was getting late enough for Billy to close up and head down into his bunker. He wasn’t willing to part with anything he gained, but he knew he would have to get more supplies soon. He stepped into the back room, behind the closet doorway where no one would know, and clicked on the light. He ran his hand along the glass cases filled with all kinds of different weapons; swords, daggers, homemade blades and obscure blunt objects. He didn’t want to do it, but it was either hunt or die.