In an unexpected twist of events at Catalyst Comics Studio, the co-owners decided to settle their differences in a rather unconventional way - a brawl at Denny’s that is now being referred to as the ‘Catalyst Grand Slam’.
Clayton, November 2023 – What started as a regular day at Catalyst Comics Studio ended with a spectacle that could rival any of the action-packed scenes from their comic books. In a surprising turn of events, the co-owners, Aaron Dowen and Matt Sotello, took their creative differences outside, choosing to settle their dispute in a Denny's parking lot.
Eyewitnesses report that the altercation began over a heated discussion about the direction of their latest comic book series and whether Matt would be involved in its conception. Things escalated quickly, leading to a comical showdown reminiscent of a superhero battle, right down to Matt donning a makeshift cape.
Patrons of the Denny's, initially startled, soon found themselves enjoying what appeared to be a live-action comic book scene. "I never thought my meal would come with a side of live entertainment," chuckled one observer, as the duo performed over-the-top wrestling moves amongst parked cars.
Despite the humorous nature of the brawl, the underlying reason was quite serious. It marked the end of a long-standing partnership, with Matt announcing their departure from the studio shortly after the dust settled.
The event, though unconventional, has sparked a new interest in Catalyst Comics Studio's upcoming releases. "We've always been about pushing boundaries and creating unique stories," said Aaron, still in high spirits after the mock fight. "This little incident just proves that life at Catalyst is as unpredictable as our comics."
As for the future of the studio, fans are eagerly awaiting the next chapter. With a promise of new collaborations and fresh ideas, Catalyst Comics Studio is poised to turn this amusing scuffle into a catalyst for its next wave of groundbreaking comic books.
For updates on their latest releases and more impromptu wrestling matches, stay tuned to Catalyst Comics Studio.
Hope it works out and you had a good meal