A new era is on the horizon for me and it's probably time to talk about...some of it.
Years ago I came back to Facebook for…some reason. I believe it was to build connections with people I was meeting in ministry and such or something like that. Then, that flipped into the development of connections in the comic book world, now, that has all been well and good (for the most part) albeit during political times I just want to get rid of everything.
As a creative, it is important to build connections and learn how to filter the wheat from the tares. No, that is not directed at anyone specifically, and I understand that I am probably a tare to plenty of people’s crops. I have noticed lately that I am spending less and less time on Facebook, and I am not missing it. Instead, I have been using that time to develop content like this, flash fiction, scripts, and building websites, as well as developing a couple of new companies with friends.
I have also noticed a shift in engagement and discovered that over here on Substack, the people who are reading and engaging my content want to be a part of it. That is wild, isn’t it? I have tried so hard to develop multiple pages like the Catalyst Comics FB page, and it has so many people following, but nearly zero interaction. I started wondering, what am I using all of this stuff for? Is it beneficial or am I wasting my time?
Maybe I am just getting old and ready to yell at kids to get off my lawn, or maybe I am just tired of managing too many things. I have asked myself quite a bit what I want out of social media, or if I even want it at all. Here is what I have discovered: more than anything, I just want people to read my content and maybe get a momentary escape from reality. That is the entire reason that Catalyst Comics Studio’s mantra is “Your Escape From Reality”. Social media is not doing that for me, currently. I have grown weary of posting pictures of my children to the masses because of the absolute darkness that has been and is occurring online. I am exhausted by acting like people care about every aspect of things I care about; faith, creativity, writing, music. I understand we all have our own interests, and that is awesome.
I am the same way in all of this, and consider myself guilty as well of not interacting enough. I try to develop relationships with people who I think we see life similarly or care about similar things. I don’t plan on changing in that aspect. However, it is time to change my approach to all of this.
I am dedicating myself more to my author's Facebook page as a place to share my creative content and interact. My personal Facebook page is going to be stripped down in the upcoming month or two and turned back into a private page that is for life-related stuff.
I am encouraging EVERYONE to jump over to my author page and give it a follow, if you majorly care about my creative endeavors. If we are personal friends, family, or what have you, then feel free to continue following my regular Facebook page, although it will probably be a lot quieter. Furthermore, help me grow this Substack, because this is my current favorite outreach channel.
Now, this feels like it is going to operate in phases for me, and I believe eventually I will want to minimize my personal Facebook page as well and keep it to only selected individuals. That is why I am encouraging everyone to follow my author page. This is part of my growing process, and I hope no one takes it personally. Life has been chaotic for a long time now, and I will continue to adjust as needed.
I will talk about this more in this week's Inner Inner Sanctum episode.
Take care and thank you for being a friend!
Author page = followed