The creatively inclined spend a whole lot of time inside their own brain. This is a terrifying idea for those outside of creative endeavors, but it is a fact of life for the rest of us. The results vary, but often tend to lean further into the empathetic, and also into depression. I decided that when I write articles, one of my focus areas would be on creators' mental health and discussions about facing reality.
When I am stressed, I often am inundated with feelings of failure, and generally feel that I am inadequate. I typically end up in thoughts of just how bad I can be at certain things. Then, I begin to wonder if I am becoming enraged, or if I am just disappointed in myself. I tend to tear at my own heart, even if it wasn’t so big of a deal. Usually, from there I begin to ask myself if there is anything I can do to make the situation better. I know that time typically helps, but I have never been known to be patient.
Sometimes, the environment can help curb feelings of rolling out of control. For me, I can find some content joy in my daughter’s presence. Maybe some kind of message in my inbox from someone that enjoyed something I have created. Or an encouraging lead on gigs and jobs that I have been looking into.
Deep breaths, it is a message I tell others so often. At the moment you feel the rage quelling up, or feel completely overwhelmed, take some deep breaths. It is a lesson I am trying to learn myself and comes from a desire to better my own well-being.